I live in the present and enjoy every moment in the life God has given me.

At least this is what I tell myself in the morning. Enjoying each moment…finding joy in each moment…this the goal and art of life. I’m trying to learn it and practice it like a habit. Choosing to set my mind on the positive even when worry is crouching at my door ready to pounce.

I think this is why I’m obsessed slightly with Disneyland. It’s all about wonder and magic and capturing moments. We have been to a few other “establishments” and nothing even comes close to comparing to Disney because they spend so much time on the details. The ambiance that is created is what makes everything so special. Each flower, each cobweb, carefully placed on purpose. I read an article about Disney imagineers that said they skim each surface over and over to make sure that every place a guests eye may rest they will have something to look at. The details are endless.

I’m learning the same is true in life. God has created each of us with care and detail. Our surroundings are filled with wonder and beauty. Despite what the conditions are in our lives, I think if we skim through and really LOOK, we can still find moments of magic. Gods fingerprints in the details of our lives.

The sweet breath of my daughter snuggled up in my arms to tell me good morning. The freckles peppered upon my sons nose that crinkles when he laughs. The dependable way my husband will always answer when I call, even when he is busy.
Blessings everywhere. They aren’t guaranteed to be there tomorrow. Who knows what awaits us then. Tomorrow will have trouble enough of its own…
So for today, I will just breathe it all in and say, “thank you.”
