27FebUncategorizedRoots of Beauty“The cost for living in the past and worrying about the future is the present,
26FebUncategorizedSay cheese!In my travels and many deep discussions with friends I have realized that I am
25FebUncategorizedWhy not me?A last horrah! Hmmm what do I want… Again. No really, this time, for realsies…
23FebUncategorizedThe future is now.Well. Here I am at this Reno Start Up weekend event. I have been asking
22FebUncategorizedThe Unexpected Study of MeI’ve discovered that I have been mistaking vanity for self respect. There is a huge
20FebUncategorizedWaking UpFirst sip of coffee in the morning. Heavenly. Hot. Cozy. Sunshine in the windows. Promise