18DecEating disorder, Family, Fitness, Friendship, Girl Power, Health, Love Thyself, Weight loss, WritingTrolledAfter Thanksgiving, and a string of crappy weeks in the fall, I decided to climb
16NovFaith, Family, Fitness, Girl Power, Health, Love Thyself, Uncategorized, Weight loss, WritingBegin AgainIt’s November in Northern Nevada and the weather has just started getting wet and cranky.
19SepFaith, Family, Fitness, Friendship, Girl Power, Health, Love Thyself, Memories, Weight loss, WritingAttitude is Everything: Fat chick at a Fitness Conference 2.0I just just stuffed my backpack above me, and sank into my plane seat. I
03JunEating disorder, Faith, Family, Fitness, Friendship, Girl Power, Health, Love Thyself, Motherhood, motivation, Weight loss, WritingSuper Powers and Force FieldsDear person who walked by me today at the outdoor mall…while I was killing time
03Marconfidence, Fitness, Girl Power, Health, Love Thyself, motivation, Weight loss, WritingJumping into Focus When I first started working out, everything hurt SO BAD and I hardly felt like
11Janconfidence, Love Thyself, Uncategorized, Writing20 Facts about me A friend of mine on Instagram tagged me for this “20 Facts about me” challenge
17Decconfidence, Fitness, Girl Power, Health, Love Thyself, motivation, Uncategorized, Weight loss, WritingLet me paint you a picture…I have a small gallery of canvas paintings from various “Paint & Sip” nights growing
14SepFaith, Fitness, Girl Power, Health, Love Thyself, Uncategorized, Weight loss, WritingFat Chick at a Fitness Conference Last week I was on a once in a lifetime trip to New York for
08JulFaith, Family, Fitness, Love Thyself, motivation, Uncategorized, Weight loss, WritingHeavy Hearted This comparison stopped me in my tracks yesterday, and I was saving it for #facetofacefriday
12MayFaith, Family, Friendship, Love Thyself, Memories, motivation, WritingInsomnia Mother’s Day this last weekend has left me feeling some feelings. Heavy feelings.