I promised myself in June that I would try to write one blog post a month for the rest of this year, as an act of intentional, creative self care.
This month came in like a roaring Leo lion and has all but vanished in a warm blur. Pulling this last stretch of summer along behind it…from right under our feet.
I can smell the cool change of fall creeping in on us in the mornings, and I know its all coming to an end;
my summer of surrender.
After the “skin-shedding-spring” I experienced…it makes me want to make sure I am mentally, spiritually and physically prepared for what fall and winter have in store.
I am really beginning to appreciate seasons, and the give and take of polarity, and the balance of all things.
Fitness results only come after you’ve put in the WORK.
Labor and planting in the fields comes before the harvest.
There is no appreciation of true love without hate.
No light without darkness.
Nothing is good without the sober discernment of evil.
And we know that life is precious because we understand death.
We accept that when we make plans and reservations to eat at a nice restaurant…that it will come at a certain cost. Unlike grabbing a quick meal on the road, or eating at a mediocre chain restaurant, where you assume you can quickly grab something inexpensive and be on your way.
When we plan to enjoy an amazing meal, cooked carefully by a skilled chef, with quality ingredients, in a thoughtful environment, we appreciate the value of whats being offered.
We reserve it for celebrate special occasions.
We plan for it.
We dress for it.
We expect it to be special, and we are willing to pay, because we know it’s not something we get to take time for or enjoy everyday.
So we take it all in.
The lighting, the vibe, the music.
We take our time.
A glass of wine.
An appetizer?
Stories swapped with laughter.
Shared bites of whatever was ordered to see who chose the best plate.
Intimate conversation with people we love.
We allow it to linger, and appreciate each moment.
And, when the bill comes, we gladly pay for what we enjoyed, knowing someday (if we are lucky) down the road, there will come a time to do it again.
You dont seem to realize it when you’re in them…but THE very best moments will become priceless memories.
The time will come for the seasons to change in our lives, and the bill to be paid.
It sneaks up on you.
The cost is high, but SO worth it.
I have realized, the seasons we might spend in grief, pain, or loneliness…pay for the seasons of pure joy.
Without it, we would never value the gifts life brings.
All good things must eventually come to an end, because without endings we cannot create something new, and begin again.
The biggest lesson August brought me was realizing the true cost of admission.
To STOP, and seek to be present in each moment I am in…and recognize the value.
None of us eat for free.