
Dear Hubs,

You steamed cleaned the carpets for me while I was gone.

You got bossed around by my dad for four days in a row. You took it like a classy champion while laughing at the stress and loading and unloading truck beds. I kept waiting for you to get mad…it never came.

You’ve endured family after family…guest after guest.

Always a gracious host.

Our weeks have been busy and full and I am overwhelmed with how badly I miss you though we’ve been side by side.

You have had to keep waking up to go work at ungodly hours of the morning to make money that has already been spent.

You have never turned on me with annoyance and bitterness like I’m always expecting. Instead, you’re always calmly encouraging me and spurring me forward.

Always loving and caring for me in a deluxe and lavish way I have not earned.

How can I possibly love you as well as you love me?

Your patients is unmatched.
Your tolerance seems unlimited.
Your example of grace is undeserved.

Please know that I am thankful for you with everything I’ve got. There really aren’t appropriate words to express how much gratitude and love I have for you.
It takes a strong and solid man to endure all this craziness I volunteer us for and I thank God that he’s given me THE best man I could ever hope for.

Just wanted to publicly thank you for all that you do for me.
